Noticias anteriores

En SalfaCorp reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la seguridad en la construcción
SalfaCorp reúne a más de 100 inversionistas en el primer Investor Day
Lanzamiento de Casa Semilla, la primera vivienda que se construye con tecnología 3D
Nota En la Mente del CFO – SalfaCorp / Señal DF
SalfaCorp figura en ranking mundial de mayores Constructoras / ENR 2024
Comunicado / Resultados de SalfaCorp a Junio 2024
SalfaCorp Estructura Deuda a Largo Plazo por UF 1.500.000
Comunicado / Resultados de SalfaCorp a Marzo 2024
Mining will continue to be an important pole of activity in our sector / Diario Financiero
Press Release / Financial Performance of SalfaCorp as of December 2023
Consorcio SalfaCorp begins construction of concentrator plant for Minera Centinela
Second Advanced Innovation Workshop / SalfaCorp Innovation Program
SalfaCorp appears in the world’s ranking of largest Construction Companies / ENR 2023
SalfaCorp Innovation Leaders Meeting
SalfaCorp closes the first quarter of 2023 with a profit of $10,045 million
SalfaCorp completes capital increase of 100 million shares
SalfaCorp promotes cultural change that promotes gender equality and work-family balance
Maqsa is acknowledged in Sharing Best Practices in Occupational Health and Safety
SalfaCorp appears in the world’s ranking of 2022 Largest Construction Companies
The second stage of the Innovation in SalfaCorp program is successfully closed
SalfaCorp, in alliance with Betterfly, provides greater protection to its workers
SalfaCorp advances in the construction of 1,200 Ds49 Apartments in Arica and Parinacota
SalfaCorp among the 12 best evaluated companies in Informe 2021 – Deva Chile / Diario Financiero
SalfaCorp appears in the world’s ranking of the largest construction companies
SalfaCorp and the current scenario / El Mercurio
SalfaCorp results first half 2021 / Financial Daily Article
General Manager analyzes the results of 1Q21 and the situation of the sector
SalfaCorp ends 2021 with a profit of $30,813 million and a historic backlog
General Manager takes stock of 2020 and has plans for 2021
SalfaCorp buys equipment for US$14 million for Chuquicamata Underground operations
Constructora Salfa was awarded the CCHC Honor Roll
Constructora Salfa's project was awarded the 2020 Urban Contribution Award (PAU)
Projects awarded ICSA, Building and Iaco Units
SalfaCorp S.A. stands out in prestigious international ranking
SalfaCorp modifies term of Syndicated Loan
Projects awarded ICSA Unit
Notice of redemption of Series M bonds
SalfaCorp consortium awarded BHP's Minera Spence project in northern Chile
Syndicated Loan Press Release August 2017
Feller Rate ratifies SalfaCorp's rating
Fitch Ratings ratifies SalfaCorp's rating
New profile to be submitted to shareholders
SalfaCorp has sold 75% of the Miami project
SalfaCorp has sold 75% of the Miami project
Division reduces risk but diminishes liquidity
Moneda continues to bet on SalfaCorp
SalfaCorp sales up 18%
SalfaCorp increases its 2012 profits by 45.5%
6.56% the company's shares climbed
Off exchange market transactions
SVS asks construction company for additional information
SalfaCorp grows between 10% and 15%
SalfaCorp's Colombian partner to issue shares in Bogota
SalfaCorp, the worst of the class last year
SalfaCorp earnings up 10%
Desafío de construir la torre más alta de Sudamerica
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