Through its Business Units, the Company encompasses various business segments. In the case of the Engineering and Construction Unit (ICSA),it develops industrial assembly works, industrial maintenance, earthworks, maritime works, industrial works, underground mining, drilling, and blasting, civil works, and housing business. Meanwhile, the Company has an international presence – through its Engineering and Construction subsidiary – in the markets of Peru and Panama & Caribbean and Central America (CAC). On the other hand, the Aconcagua Unit (ACO) executes and markets real estate projects, both its own and in partnership with third parties, with a wide diversification in geographical terms. It also provides subsidized housing construction services within the framework of social integration programs, such as Supreme Decrees 49 ("DS49"). The Real Estate Assets Development Unit (RDI) manages 804 hectares (including its own real estate companies and associations) diversified throughout the country and is dedicated to the sale of land and real estate development, developing commercial, industrial, and residential real estate assets.
It is estimated that the Company's market share, considering all its business segments in Chile, has remained around 4%.