Compañía dos

General Background

Identificación básica
Company Name
SalfaCorp S.A.
Business name
Stock Exchange Mnemonic
Registration in the Securities Registry
N° 843
Legal domicile
City of Santiago, Chile
Avda. Presidente Riesco 5335, Piso 11. Las Condes, Santiago
+56 (2) 2902 0000
Zip code
Corporate Website
1. Comprende la Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, Bolsa de Valores de Valparaíso y Bolsa Electrónica de Chile.

Articles of Incorporation

Type of Company

An open corporation constituted by public deed, granted on January 5, 1999, before the Notary Public of Santiago, Mr. Fernando Opazo Larraín, extract registered on Folio 1928, Number 1526 of the Commercial Registry of the Conservator of Real Estate of Santiago corresponding to the year 1999 and published in the Official Gazette Number 36,277 dated January 30, 1999.

Corporate Bylaws

Shareholders and Investors Information

Información a Accionistas
Shareholders Department
Central Securities Depositary
Huérfanos 770, Piso 22. Santiago Centro, Santiago
+56 (2) 2393 9003
+56 (2) 2393 9101
Información a Inversionistas
Avda. Presidente Riesco 5335, Piso 12 Las Condes, Santiago
+56 (2) 2902 0362
External Auditors
PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Ltda.
Rating Agencies
Fitch-Ratings Clasificadores de Riesgo Ltda. Feller-Rate Clasificadores de Riesgo Ltda.International Credit Rating Compañía Clasificadora de Riesgo Ltda.

SalfaCorp Today

SalfaCorp S.A. is the largest business group in the construction sector in Chile, with undisputed leadership cultivated over more than 94 years of history.

Being at the forefront of Engineering, Construction, and Real Estate in Chile, participating in iconic projects in the country thanks to our wide range of Mining, Energy, Retail, Construction, and the Real Estate sector services, among others.

The Company operates abroad offering various construction-related services, with operations in Peru and Panama, operating in Central America and the Caribbean.

The Company has achieved this position thanks to its solid business model, structured for planned and orderly growth. This model is based on independently diversified business units, comprising replicable specialties in other markets, as evidenced by the Company's international activities. In addition to this, an experienced human team, professionalism, and rigor, a close relationship with its clients, a wide range of services for different industries, and specialties for different geographical areas further contribute to its success.

The Company's vision regarding Sustainability is "To build and grow sustainably, according to quality and excellence standards, developing our activities harmoniously with the environment and establishing relationships of trust and shared values with our stakeholders."

History and Milestones

With more than 94 years of history contributing to development; in 1929, Salinas y Fabres Hermanos Ltda. was legally incorporated to cover the Engineering and Construction business sector, where it began executing works of significant traditional heritage value such as the National Stadium (1938), the Votive Temple of Maipú (1946), and the Santa María Clinic (1958) among others.

The Company operates abroad offering various construction-related services, with operations in Peru and Panama, operating in Central America and the Caribbean.

La Compañía ha logrado esta posición gracias a su sólido modelo de negocios –estructurado para crecer en forma planificada y ordenada– y que se basa en unidades de negocio independientes entre sí y diversificadas, que comprenden Entre las décadas del ‘50 al ‘80 acentúa su desarrollo a través de una especialización cada vez mayor y en los ‘90 se realizó la apertura de la Empresa de Montajes Industriales Salfa S.A., que se transformó en uno de los actores más destacados de esa industria. Ese mismo año se constituye la Sociedad Salfa Inmobiliaria S.A.; que participa activamente en el mercado inmobiliario.

El año 2003 se obtuvo la certificación internacional ISO 9001:2000 en seis de nuestras empresas, distinguiendo el trabajo de Salfa Construcción, Constructora Salfa, Salfa Montajes, Salfa Industrial, Novatec y Proing.

El año 2004 la compañía incursiona en la Bolsa de Valores de Chile, obteniendo recursos suficientes para comenzar un plan de expansión que contempló, entre otros aspectos, la inversión en terrenos para acelerar el crecimiento del área Inmobiliaria y apoyar el desarrollo de la Unidad de Ingeniería y Construcción.

El año 2007 se destaca la fusión con la empresa Aconcagua y el fuerte crecimiento de Ingeniería y Construcción lo cual permite situarlo como el conglomerado más importante del sector construcción e inmobiliario en Chile, proyectando un enorme potencial en los proyectos inmobiliarios, obras de construcción, montajes industriales y nuevos negocios tales como Mantenciones Industriales, Desarrollo Minero y Obras Marítimas.

En paralelo a este crecimiento se suma la internacionalización a los mercados de Latinoamérica.

Al 2023 SalfaCorp cuenta con más de 25 empresas operativas, siendo la compañía del rubro con mayor cantidad de servicios a disposición de sus clientes.

Solid Foundations


To lead and become a benchmark in the Construction Industry in Latin America.


To build and grow sustainably, increasing value with excellence and efficiency. We serve our clients with seriousness and flexibility, with special concern for the comprehensive development of individuals and thus transcend in Latin America.


To build trust through the construction of quality assets, contributing to social well-being and environmental care.

Corporate Values

Our values are the cornerstone of success and are complemented by the commitment of our team, their motivation, skills, and spirit of collaboration.

We Have Absolute Respect for Life: We are convinced that life is the most precious asset. Safety, health, and environmental care are essential parts of our work and determine our performance.

We care about People:We maintain constant concern for each person in our team, encouraging their professional development and contributing to the comprehensive development and well-being of our employees.

We are results-oriented:We diligently seek maximum performance and efficiency in all our tasks.

We Focus on the Customer:We focus all attention on exceeding the expectations of our customers since their benefit is our success.

We Have a Passion for being the Best:Our goal is to be and continue being the best in Chile and Latin America, which is why we constantly strive to renew and perfect our competitiveness.

We Are Creative and Flexible:We constantly adapt to technological innovations, market challenges, and the requirements of our clients.

We Are Reliable:We strongly value respect and kindness in human and labor relations.

Close to Our Customers

Building trust since 1929, the Company has established solid long-term relationships with its customers, delivering quality services with added value within the required timeframe and at an efficient cost. These relationships allow us to better understand customer requirements and deliver tailor-made solutions.



Chilean Construction Chamber

Durante la ceremonia realizada en Minera Florida, comuna de Alhué, se destacó el compromiso de la empresa con la salud, seguridad y bienestar de sus trabajadores y trabajadoras; además del cuidado del medio ambiente. Con una calificación de 4.2 de 5.0, Geovita recibió el Sello Pro de la Cámara Chilena de la Construcción, reconocimiento que se entrega a las empresas que destacan por sus altos estándares en materia de sostenibilidad.




Chilean Construction Chamber

En SalfaCorp, el Respeto Absoluto por la Vida, nos moviliza de forma continua para lograr nuestro proposito, “que todos nuestros trabajadores vuelvan a sus hogares libres de accidentes y enfermedades profesionales”. Felicitamos a Salfa Montajes, ICEM y Concremag por el reconocimiento en la categoría 6 Estrellas; Geovita por su reconocimiento en categoría 5 estrellas y a Constructora Salfa por su reconocimiento en la Categoría 4 estrellas.




Chilean Construction Chamber

SALFA MONTAJES recibe el “Premio Empresa Sostenible 2024” de la Chilean Construction Chamber en rubro construcción empresa grande, que la reconoce entre todas las empresas socias por su trabajo en conexión con la sociedad y medioambiente, sin dejar de lado su desarrollo económico y teniendo como eje la sostenibilidad en sus diferentes dimensiones.


Salfa Montajes


Chilean Construction Chamber

Recientemente, Maqsa fue reconocida en el programa del #SelloPRO, una iniciativa que destaca y valora a las empresas, obras y centros de trabajo que cumplen con los estándares de sostenibilidad de la Chilean Construction Chamber (CChC), con una calificación histórica de 4.9 sobre 5.0.




Revista Engineering NewsRecord (ENR Magazine)

Ranking “The Top 250 Global Contractors” 2024, SalfaCorp destaca entre las 250 mayores empresas de ingeniería y construcción del mundo y figura como la única compañía Latinoamericana.




National Security Council

Outstanding Executive in the "NATURAL PERSON" category, for his effort and dedication, based on business results over the past years, Juan Manuel Irarrázaval Mena, General Manager ICSA


Salfa ICSA


National Security Council

Greatest Reduction in Frequency Rate in "Mining Services" companies, Empresa de Montajes Industriales Salfa. S.A.


Salfa Montajes


National Security Council

1,000,000 Hours worked without accidents with lost time, Empresa de Montajes Industriales Salfa. S.A. Cota 3.700 Andina Project.


Salfa Montajes


National Security Council

5,000,000 Hours worked without accidents with lost time for Geovita S.A. Chuqui Underground Project, Mining Works.




Chilean Construction Chamber

Best Practices, Constructora Salfa S.A. / Golden Rule N°2 "Identification of Hazards and Risk Assessment" with companies, Geovita S.A.



Human Capital

The employees of SalfaCorp S.A. have been a fundamental element in the company's successful management. Therefore, there is a constant concern to provide them with support for their professional growth, encouraging excellence in every task they perform.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, la dotación consolidada de SalfaCorp S.A. es de 19.190 personas.

It is thanks to this experienced technical and professional team that the business units - Engineering and Construction, Residential Development, and Real Estate Development Assets - contribute to the development of highly specialized products and services, maintaining their leadership.

Safety Culture

SalfaCorp S.A. recognizes occupational health and safety as fundamental values and basic conditions for the well-being of its employees. In this line, given the nature of the construction sector that involves risks, the company's Occupational Health and Safety area is responsible for advising the Company's Administration in the timely identification, evaluation, and control of construction hazards. Based on these factors, the prevention and protection plan for our workers and facilities are defined.

The identification and evaluation of hazards, as well as the control of risks, are based on the Occupational Health and Safety policies established in a Management System, based on the ISO 9.001 and ISO 45.001 standards. This allows the company to protect its workers, fully comply with current legislation and give customers confidence that this issue is a priority in operations. The above, in addition, gives sustainability to the business.

In turn, in environmental management, ISO 14.001 is the framework or method used by the organization to achieve and maintain an operation in accordance with the objectives and goals established in the environmental management plans and the environmental commitments of each project, responding effectively to changes in regulatory pressures. social, financial, and competitive, as well as the environmental impacts that may occur in the execution of the project.

For the above, the company has professionals from different areas, specialized in each subject, who are present in each of the works carried out by SalfaCorp. S.A. In addition to this work, different campaigns are carried out to promote self-care and improve the attitude and commitment of workers towards their safety, occupational health, and the environment.

The work of psychologists is essential since they are in charge of the Behavior-Based Safety Program. This program consists of workers making observations to their own peers about their behavior. The indices or results of these observations will guide the organization where our preventive culture is failing and thus be able to take the necessary measures to be able to better address behavior, from the motivational point of view, with various initiatives such as story contests, song festivals, short film contests and creative plays, among others.

Absolute Security

Siempre identificaré los peligros
y aplicaré las medidas de control
before starting my work in the ART.

I will always use my fall protection system for work at height.
I will always verify that the equipment to be intervened is de-energized and blocked, according to procedure and with authorization.
I will always apply for authorization and obtain the appropriate work permits upon entering the work areas.
I will always verify that they are authorized and with the appropriate protections to work in excavations.
I will always respect the warning or containment systems (e.g., fire alarms, fire extinguishers or other devices), using them only when appropriate to an emergency situation.
I will always be attentive to lifting maneuvers, segregation of areas and I will not be placed under suspended loads or moving loads.
I will always respect the safety devices of equipment and/or machinery (i.e., alarms, load limiters, housing protections, differential systems, or others).
Whenever I must operate machinery and/or equipment, I must have training and authorization to do so.
I will always be placed under a secure structure (with wedging and/or fortification) in underground areas.
I will always check the conditions of ventilation and gases in the environment in underground and/or confined areas.
I will always check the conditions of ventilation and gases in the environment in underground and/or confined areas.
I will always comply with hygiene measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 at home, during my transfer and at work.
I will always verify that openings and shafts are properly segregated, marked and covered.
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