
ESG Documents


Climate Change Governance Structure

Environmental Information

Carbon Footprint 2022

Living Wage

The company has a compensation procedure, the purpose of which is to establish a decent remuneration, which is internally equitable and externally competitive, which recognizes the experience, level of performance of the workers, and the degree of contribution of their positions to the achievement of the company's objectives.
SalfaCorp makes the 2021 Leaders Program available to its Management, which allows strengthening leadership skills, aligned with the business strategy and its future.

Employee Development Program

Encuesta Laboral

The company carried out a study of the work environment, applying a survey to all its employees in the private role (approximately 1,100 people), in which a significant response rate was obtained. The study considered communicating the results to their business units and developing action plans for managing these results.


Información Capítal Humano

Employee Development Programs

Employee Evaluation Mechanism

Financial Performance of the Work Climate Survey

Descripción Sistemas de Gestión de Salud y Seguridad

Customer Information

Global Compact

SalfaCorp S.A. está en proceso de adhesión para convertirse en signatario de Pacto Global ONU. La carta compromiso fue firmada y la compañía se encuentra a la espera de que la casa matriz de Pacto Global de Naciones Unidas de su visto bueno.
The company establishes the guidelines to determine if suppliers have sufficient financial resources, the necessary capacity to comply with the purchase document and define some safety, occupational health, and environmental criteria.

Supplier Selection


2022 Board of Directors Information

Materiality Study

Risk Management Process and Process Governance and Process Governance

Violations Code of Ethics (Conduct) 2022

Monetary Contributions and Contributions 2019-2022

ESG Suppliers Program

Information Technology and Process Governance

Global Compact

SalfaCorp S.A. está en proceso de adhesión para convertirse en signatario de Pacto Global ONU. La carta compromiso fue firmada y la compañía se encuentra a la espera de que la casa matriz de Pacto Global de Naciones Unidas de su visto bueno.
The company establishes the guidelines to determine if suppliers have sufficient financial resources, the necessary capacity to comply with the purchase document and define some safety, occupational health, and environmental criteria.

Supplier Selection


2022 Board of Directors Information

Materiality Study

Risk Management Process and Process Governance and Process Governance

Violations Code of Ethics (Conduct) 2022

Monetary Contributions and Contributions 2019-2022

ESG Suppliers Program

Information Technology and Process Governance

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